Thursday, June 4, 2009

Toxoplasmosis Et Al.

Please tell me I am not the only pregnant woman googling "safe to eat beef tongue pregnancy?" and "duck meat red meat cooked rare safety during pregnancy." To say that I miss a lot of my currently forbidden foods is an understatement. Add to the usual list one might find in the U.S. (no soft cheese! no sushi!) those foods decreed taboo due to the increased danger of contracting toxoplasmosis in Europe, and I'm surprised I can eat anything at all. Okay, I am exaggerating. And I am certainly grateful the tri-1 nausea has passed, and that I can eat at all. But I certainly do miss my (not-so-carefully-washed) restaurant salads and medium-rare red meat. Which, it turns out, includes magret de canard.


  1. you're not :) but the only thing in the US i remember with threats of toxoplasmosis was scooping the cat litter. what's taboo in Europe that's different from the US?

  2. Doctor says not to eat salad or raw vegetables (or anything that comes from the dirt - that narrows it down!) that might not have been adequately washed, i.e., served in a restaurant. And to stay away from undercooked red meat - so only dry, non-juicy, "bien cuit" steaks for me!
